Breaking dawn in El Paso, Texas.

We are hoisting bridge beams in El Paso, Texas.
This is an example of our abilities to work at all hours of the day. It is easy to lose sight of what our field staff endures and experiences. Many times our operators, oilers, and service staff are working past the 6am to 5pm office hours. This includes working weekends – throughout the night (shown above) – holidays, etc. Some weeks and months from what is considered home. Although typically businesses are seen as being either open or closed – this is not true in our industry. Our open sign has no off switch.
The job starts well before and after the actual lift(s) take place. To perform a 25-minute lift with our Tadano-Faun ATF 220G/5 can take 1 – 2 hours to set up and conversely to “tear down.” Right there you have 4 and half hours of work time. Add in travel time to job locations and now you can easily have an 8 hour day. This is for a 25-minute lift. If you are moving bridge beams throughout the night you can easily go past 8 hours. It isn’t uncommon for our field staff to be leaving a job site at 9pm – 11pm at night. To only wake up at 4 am to move the crane to another job site.
We have one of the most talented and skilled teams in the crane rental industry. Our operators, oilers, and service staff make the impossible look effortless. This didn’t just happen overnight. It came from hundreds of years of shared experience, days that seemed to have no end, endless weeks, and just when it was almost unbearable – we kept fighting.